カルマ・チャクメーの極楽願文『清浄大楽国土の誓願』の和訳と研究 : 往生の第二因、七支供養より廻向と、第三因、正覚への発心の段

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  • カルマ ・ チャクメー ノ ゴクラク ガンモン 『 セイジョウダイラク コクド ノ セイガン 』 ノ ワヤク ト ケンキュウ : オウジョウ ノ ダイニイン,ナナシクヨウ ヨリ エコウ ト,ダイサンイン,ショウガク エ ノ ホッシン ノ ダン
  • A Japanese translation and study of rNam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam (bDe chen smon lam) by Karma Chags-med: On the practice of transferring of merits, the seventh part of the seven fold offerings, the generation of mind for the highest enlightenmen

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bDe-chen-sMon-lam (Prayer-for-the Sukhāvatī) by Karma Chags-med (Skt. Rāgāsya. 1612–1678), a scholar, master-practitioner of bKa’-rgyud-pa and rNying-ma-pa tradition, is the most famous and influential bDe-smon (Prayer-for-the Sukhāvatī) in Tibet, as well as Zhing mchog sgo ’byed by Tsongkha- pa (1357–1419), and belongs to a group of revealed scriptures gNam chos. In this paper, I have translated and studied in collaboration with Mr. Nakamikado, this prayer’s, the practice of transferring of merits, the seventh part of the seven fold offerings, the generation of mind for the highest enlightenment, and the beginning part of the transferring of merits for oneself and others to be born in the Sukhāvatī.






Karma Chags-med

bDe ba can gyi smon lam (bDe smon)

rNam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam (bDe chen smon lam)

the seven fold offerings

the transferring of merits



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