日中男子大学生の化粧意識 : 文化的要因と経済的要因の影響


  • ニッチュウ ダンシ ダイガクセイ ノ ケショウ イシキ : ブンカテキ ヨウイン ト ケイザイテキ ヨウイン ノ エイキョウ
  • Makeup consciousness of Japanese and Chinese male undergraduate students : Influences of cultural and economic factors



本研究では,日本と中国の男子大学生における化粧意識及び化粧意識に関わる文化的要因と経済的要因の関連について調査した。調査参加者は日本の男子学生134名と中国の男子学生120名であった。参加者は化粧意識「魅力向上・気分高揚(MC1),必需品・身だしなみ(MC2),効果不安(MC3)」,化粧に関わる文化的要因と経済的要因,及び化粧に関わる個人の家計についての質問に答えた。その結果,中国人学生は日本人学生より化粧を必需品・身だしなみとする意識は高く,化粧による効果不安は低かった。文化的要因と経済的要因についての因子分析を行い,日本と中国におけるそれぞれの因子構造を調べた。その結果,文化的要因においては,日本では「社会的側面での肯定(C1J)」,「文化的側面での肯定(C2J)」,「化粧の否定(C3J)」の3因子,中国では「化粧の肯定(C1C)」,「化粧の否定(C2C)」の2因子が抽出された。経済的要因においては,日本では「化粧品の価格と経済的余裕のなさ(E1J)」,「経済的余裕(E2J)」の2因子,中国では「化粧品の価格と経済的余裕(E1C)」,「経済意識(E2C)」の2因子が抽出された。さらに,化粧意識と文化的要因ならびに経済的要因との関連について検討した。日本ではMC1とMC2がC1J,自由に使える金額に占める化粧品費の割合と正の相関,さらにMC1はE1J と正の相関が認められた。中国ではMC1がC1C,C2C,E1C,E2C,自由に使える金額に占める化粧品費の割合と正の相関,MC2がC1C,E2C と負の相関,MC3がC1C,E1C,E2C と正の相関が認められた。これらの結果は,日本と中国の男子大学生の化粧意識には,文化的要因と経済的要因の影響があることを示した。 In this study, we investigated the relationship between makeup consciousness and cultural and economic factors related to makeup consciousness in male undergraduate students in Japan and China. Participants were 134 Japanese male students and 120 Chinese male students. Participants answered questions about makeup consciousness “improvement of attractiveness / uplifting mood (MC1), necessities / grooming (MC2), anxiety about negative effects of makeup (MC3) “, cultural and economic factors related to makeup, and individual household budget about makeup. As the results, Chinese students were more conscious of makeup as the necessities and grooming than Japanese students, and were less anxious about the negative effects of makeup. We conducted factor analyses of cultural and economic factors and investigated the respective factor structures in Japan and China. Regarding cultural factors, three factors “social affirmation in the social aspect (C1J)”, “affirmation in the cultural aspect (C2J)”, and “denial of makeup (C3J)” in Japan and two factors “affirmation of makeup (C1C)”and “denial of makeup (C2C)” in China were extracted. Regarding economic factors, two factors “cosmetics price and lack of economic margin (E1J)”, “economic margin (E2J)”, in Japan and two factors “cosmetics price and economic margin (E1C)” and “economic awareness (E2C)” in China were extracted. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between makeup consciousness and cultural and economic factors. In Japan, MC1 and MC2 were positively correlated with C1J, and the ratio of cosmetics costs to the amount of money that could be freely used, and MC1 was positively correlated with E1J. In China, MC1 was positively correlated with C1C, C2C, E1C, E2C, and the ratio of cosmetics costs to the amount of money that could be freely used, MC2 was negatively correlated with C1C and E2C, and MC3 was positively correlated with C1C, E1C, and E2C. These results showed that cultural and economic factors influence the makeup consciousness of Japanese and Chinese male undergraduate students.


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