Growth of Parietochloris incisa in various organic carbon substrates

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  • 各種有機炭素基質によるParietochloris incisaの生長

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The capacity of Parietochloris incisa to grow under mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions was investigated.Glucose, glycerol, sodium acetate, citric acid and lactic acid at 0.005M concentration were used as organic carbonsubstrates. Results of this study clearly demonstrate the ability of this microalga to utilize glucose as carbon sourcefor its growth. Glycerol seemed to support growth under mixotrophic condition but not in heterotrophic growthregime. Growth was not observed with sodium acetate, citric acid and lactic acid. Under specifi c culture conditions,glucose was shown to increase biomass productivity by 7.8, 15.5 and 6.8 folds higher than photoautotrophic controlunder mixotrophy without and with supplementation and heterotrophy, respectively. Outdoor mixotrophiccultivation did not yield higher biomass productivity; however, the proportion of arachidonic acid in total fatty acidincreased signifi cantly resulting in a higher arachidonic acid volumetric yield. These results open new horizon forthe development of P. incisa mass cultivation technology for arachidonic acid production employing mixotrophicand heterotrophic cultivation.



  • 食と緑の科学

    食と緑の科学 66 25-35, 2012-03-31

    Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University

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