

  • 緊張性振動反射の臨床的検討
  • キンチョウセイ シンドウ ハンシャ ノ リンショウテキ ケントウ
  • Clinical application of the tonic vibration reflex
  • 原著




1. 正常人の四肢に振動刺激を加えて得られる緊張性振動反射(Tonic vibration reflex, TVR)は,上位運動ニューロン障害,パーキンソニズム,小脳疾患の患者からはほとんど得ることはできなかった。TVRは主として筋紡錘の興奮によって生ずる。筋伸展に敏感で,容易に導出可能と考えられる痙縮筋,固縮筋にTVRを実際には見出し得ないということは,この反射が小脳,大脳基底核など上位中枢を含む多シナプス回路の影響を受けるためと思われる。2. 振動刺激を痙縮筋に加えると,しばしば随意収縮力が増加する。片麻痺患者における運動障害は上位中枢の器質的変化だけでなく,機能的抑制に由来するものと考えられる。3. 前腕伸筋に振動刺激を加えながら書字試験を行なうと,診断上興味ある現象を呈する。パーキンソニズムと同じく,小脳疾患々者においても小字症が現われ,眼を閉じると小字症は一層著明になる。この現象はgamma系の興奮によるものであろう。

The tonic vibration reflex (TVR) can only be obtained by inducing the vibratory stimuli to the extremities of a normal subject, and almost no evidences of the TVR can be found from patients suffering from upper motor lesion, parkinsonism and cerebellar disorder. Since the TVR is mainly produced by the stretching of muscle spindles, it seems probable that the reflex is evoked with ease in spastic and rigid muscles which were thought to be susceptible to muscle stretch, but actually the reflexes is seldom observed. This fact may imply that the TVR is influenced by the polysynaptic pathways which include the supraspinal centers such as the cerebellum and basal ganglia. When the vibration is applied to a spastic muscle, frequently the voluntary motor performance is increased. In patients suffering from hemiparesis, motor disturbances may be due to not only organic changes but to functional inhibitions in the upper motorneurones. The writing test performed while vibrating the wrist extensor offered an interesting phenomenon for clinical diagnosis. In patients with cerebellar diseases, as well as parkinsonism, micrographia appeared. When they closed their eyes, this tendency became more pronounced. This may be due to the enhancement of gamma activity.


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