

  • The Grundrisse and the French Revolution(Collected Papers on the Occasion of the Retirement of Professor Eiichi AKIMOTO)
  • 寄稿論文





The present article explores the relationship between Karl Marx's Grundrisse and his view of the French Revolution. Against the prevailing view of the revolution, the article urges that the French Revolution that starts in 1789 does not end in 1799 of Napoleonic coup d'Etat, but in 1814 of his withdrawal. The republicanism grows to his constitutional dictatorship. The French history from 1789 to 1814 is continuity as the First French Civil Revolution that includes Napoleon's dictatorship, just as the same way with that the English Civil Revolution of 1649 becomes Cromwell's. Tracing Marx's view in his article on the first and his contemporary events of the February Revolution of 1848, the article demonstrates that the bureaucratic state under Napoleon's 'developmental dictatorship' is nothing but the French 'primitive accumulation state' for foundation of the French capitalism. Concept 'developmental dictatorship' is not only valid to the post-World War II developing countries, but rather universal phenomenon traceable to the history of the past modern capitalism, including the English, the French or even the Japanese. The Napoleonic state builds infrastructures for the French industrial revolution that bears industrial workers. The workers struggle for citizenship in the French civil society through the February Revolution, or the Second French Civil Revolution. The French bourgeoisie compromises with the workers to guarantee them citizenship. Now, the constitutional principles of the French civil society have changed from 'Freedom, Equality and Property' in the Declaration of Human Rights of 1789 to 'Freedom, Equality and Fraternity' in the Second Republic Constitution of 1848, while there 'Property and Labour' are now defined to found the French civil society. 'Fraternity' has begun to work as principle of expansion of citizenship.

Marx proves the ambivalences of 'Freedom and Equality' and 'Property and Labour' in his demonstration of the conversion of the laws of appropriation in the Grundrisse, and shows that the laws become as 'Sheine (semblances)'. Simultaneously, Marx's argumentation of the conversion implies his critical responses to Hegel's view of fraud as 'Shein' in Philosophy of Rights and to Kant's presentation of antitheses as 'Scheine' in Critique of Pure Reason. When Aristotle's 'justice in exchange and that in distribution' are mediated with Marx's 'justice in labour', the laws are logically concluded at once as justice and injustice. Marx's critical viewpoint for the philosophical concept of 'Schein' is based on his early study in 1840 Berlin of Aristotle's definition of 'truth and falsehood' in De Anima.

source:Economic journal of Chiba University


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