内モンゴルホルチン地方におけるテンゲル・タヒホ(祭天)儀礼に関する考察 : エルー・ズゥルトに託された願い


  • A study of the tengger tahiho (Festival) in horqin province the Inner Mongolia : The wish entrusted on ''Eruu zurtu''




In August 2005 (July in the old lunar calendar) the author researched the rituals for the ''Tengger Tahiho'' festival which was presided by a Shaman, an ''Ancestor'' festival, a ''Village Shrine'' festival, and the ''God of Water'' festival in the inner Mongolian province of Horquin; her native land. As it is widely known, from the 16^<th> century to the 18^<th> century, Mongolians where converted to Tibetan Buddhism and became Buddhist. However they still follower the shamanism that had remained deeply rooted in their mentality. The ''Tengger Tahiho'' ritual, popular in recent years, is a symbol of such continuing beliefs. The most important features of the ''Tengger Tahiho'' and ''The ancestor'' festivals consist of animal sacrifices. In particular, the head, gullet, heart, and lungs are considered of great importance in the ''Eruu Zurtu, and are taken out as a whole. In former researches, and though her survey, the author became confident hi thinking that the meaning of the ''Eruu Zurtu'' was generally thought to be a prayer for the revival of the slaughtered animal. However, it is also though that the ''Eruu Zurtu'' was also conducted as a symbol to desire prosperity and affluent lives to future generations, as a prayer against disasters and illnesses, and for the safety and peace of the family. The research shows that keeping the various parts of the sacrificed animal connected symbolizes the connection of the present to the future on a time scale.

source:Journal of Chiba University Eurasian Society



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