栽培・貯蔵温度が切花の花持ちに及ぼす影響 : 第3報 チューリップ


  • 栽培・貯蔵温度が切花の花持ちに及ぼす影響-3-チュウリップ
  • サイバイ チョゾウ オンド ガ キリバナ ノ ハナモチ ニ オヨボス エイキョ
  • Cut Flower Keepability as Influenced by Growing and Storage Temperatures : III. Tulips




球根栽培時の環境(夜温)が切花寿命に及ぼす影響を知るために, 前報のフリージア, 球根アイリスの実験に引き続いて, 今回はチューリップを材料に選び, 前報と同様の実験を行なった.即ち, 夜温を10°, 17.5°, 25℃として促成栽培し, 得られた切花を5°, 20℃, 切花保存剤添加・無添加で貯蔵し, 切花寿命を比較・検討した.この結果, 前報の結果と同じく, 切花品質は夜温が低いほどよく, 得られた切花の花持ちも, 長くなった.夜温25℃の栽培では, ブラインドや不完全開花が多くなった.また切花貯蔵温度は, 高温(20℃)より低温(5℃)貯蔵が花持ちに効果があった.この際, 切花保存剤加用により, さらに花持ちがのびた.三年間の実験より, 栽培環境が, 得られた切花の寿命に強く影響することが確認できた.

Cut Flower Keepability as Influenced by Growing and Storage Temperatures. III. Tulips. M. YOKOI, K. KOSUGI and K. SHINODA. Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo, Japan. Tech. Bull. Fac. Hort., Chiba Univ., No.25: 1-4, 1977. The cut flower keepability was examined by growing tulips, cv. William Pitt, at 10°, 17.5°, and 25℃ night temperatures and by storing the produced cut flowers at 5°and 20℃ with or without floral preservative during the period from October 24, 1976 to February, 1977. The results obtained were as follows: the lower the night growing temperature, the higher the cut flower quality obtained and longer the flower longevity. As reported earlier in freesia and bulbous iris, the effect of night temperature during the forcing time in greenhouse on the cut flower life was also significant in the case of tulips. The effects of storage temperature and floral preservative on the tulip flower life were apparent as found in freesia and bulbous iris: the lower the storage temperature (5℃) with floral preservative, the longer the cut flower life.

source:The technical bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University


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