

  • ヨウジ ノ スウリョウ ガイネン ト シンダン テスト ノ サクセイ
  • The Preschool Child's Conception of Number and the Construction of a Diagnostic Test of the Conception




A diagnostic test was constructed in order to examine the child's cognitive structure concerning number. Since its ultimate aim was to discover the aptitude for number teaching programs based on the ATI, the emphasis is to be laid on knowing what a child does spontaneously rather than what he is able to do. Therefore, in the test the children were permitted to respond as freely as possible, while an effort was made to standardize the procedure. In many cases the judgement of an attainment is based on two or more responses in different contexts. Each response consists not only of the final verbal behavior but of the observed behavior led to it, and is recorded on the check list. In order to judge the attainment of each item, a criterion table was prepared. The test was given to the nursery school children who had been exposed to various stimuli about number but who had not been given any systematic instruction in order to examine the conception of number in average Japanese children today. The majority of three-year-old children have acquired the concepts of long-short and more-less-equal, and are able to make one-to-one correspondence. By the time they reach the school age they rapidly develop the abilities of saying numerals in order, counting, saying a number after counting, reading and writing figures, and adding and subtracting objects. However, there are some operations whose ratios of attainment do not necessarily increase according to the age during the three years. These operations are comparison of length by using a medium or a unit, judgement of more-less-equal by matching, conservation of number, etc. Most of them are related to Piaget's tasks. Furthermore, the ratio of attainment on the items about the decimal system was very low. Such results, on the one hand, may suggest that the environments children live in are full of stimuli such as the use of numerals in their daily lives and on the TV and installation by parents. On the other hand, the results may show that although these stimuli give the chil

source:Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Chiba University. Part I


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