

  • Practice and Teaching of Japanese Classical Dance in Seisho: Interviews with two Performing Arts Teachers
  • カナガワケン セイショウ チイキ ニ オケル コテン ゲイノウ ノ ケイコ ト シドウ : ニホン ブヨウ シショウ ノ キキトリ オ チュウシン ニ



The learning, teaching and performance of classical performing arts such as Nagauta and Japanese Classical dance have been well examined through studies of the careers of the masters of dance schools and renowned performers. However, not much is known about the activities and accomplishments of the mid-level members of these schools, particularly those in areas that are not considered major.   This paper seeks to clarify the circumstances of how Japanese Classical Dance is taught and practiced, and its role within the local community, by interviews with local teachers of Japanese Classical Dance.   The second interviewee is a former pupil of the first interviewee. She was born in 1947 in Kanazawa. The house where she was brought up was near the Nishi Chaya district (a geigi district), and therefore classical performing arts were a familiar environment for her. She started learning Japanese classical dance from early childhood, and in high school she joined a Noh club and also practiced Flower Arrangement. After graduating from high school, she proceeded to junior college, and during that time she became an accredited master of the Seiha-Wakayagi style. When she got married she moved to Kanagawa prefecture, but continued practicing Japanese classical dance. In1994 she obtained a teaching license and became a master of Japanese classical dance. Currently, she continues to work, not only with dance performances organized by schools, but she also actively participates in local charity events.   This paper has focused on the stories of these two teachers, and it is clear that it is possible towithin these contexts also read a story about societal change and about the relationship betweenthe classical arts and the surrounding local community.


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