Maintainability of the Helical Reactor FFHR-c1 Equipped with the Liquid Metal Divertor and Cartridge-type Blankets
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The maintenance scheme in the compact helical fusion reactor, FFHR-c1, equipped with the liquid metal divertor, REVOLVER-D (Reactor-oriented Effectively VOLumetric VERtical Divertor) and the cartridge-type molten salt blankets, CARDISTRY-B (CARtridges Divided and InSerTed RadiallY − Blanket), is investigated. The magnetic configuration of the compact variant FFHR-c1 is similar to that of the Large Helical Device (LHD), while the device size is 2.8 times enlarged from LHD and a strong magnetic field strength of ∼8 T at the plasma center is adopted. The maintenance of the REVOLVER-D is simpler than that of the helical divertor with a complicated structure as seen in the LHD. In the REVOLVER-D, showers of molten tin are injected into the ergodic layer at 10 inner ports. To circulate the molten tin, 10 sets of the shower system including a liquid metal pump, ducts, a showerhead, a pool, and a heat exchanger, are installed. These can be replaced with simple up/down motions. The CARDISTRY-B consists of 320 tritium breeding blanket cartridges, which are toroidally segmented every two degrees. These cartridges are maintained by using heavy manipulators with a simple 4DOF motion at a constant toroidal angle.
- Fusion Engineering and Design
Fusion Engineering and Design 136 (Part B), 1278-1285, 2018-04-26
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050288990077189504
- NII Article ID
- 120007126282
- NII Book ID
- AA10691446
- 09203796
- 10655/00012621
- Text Lang
- en
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles