伝金弘道筆『平生図』の「観察使赴任図」を読み解く -朝鮮時代の官吏赴任行列図の文化的諸像-


  • An Image-reading of the Picture of Newly-appointed Governor’s Procession inPyongsaeing-do Attributed to Kim Hong-do in the Joseon Period, Korea
  • デンキン コウドウヒツ 『 ヘイゼイズ 』 ノ 「 カンサツシ フニンズ 」 オ ヨミ トク : チョウセン ジダイ ノ カンリ フニン ギョウレツズ ノ ブンカテキ ショ ゾウ
  • An Image-reading of the Picture of Newly-appointed Governor’s Procession inPyongsaeing-do Attributed to Kim Hong-do in the Joseon Period, Korea



本稿は、伝金弘道筆『平生図』の一扇に描かれる「観察使赴任図」を取り上げ、観察使の赴任及びそれを取り巻く文化的諸像を考察するものである。『平生図』は朝鮮時代の理想的な士大夫の一生を吉祥のモチーフとして図解したもので、「観察使赴任図」は、図の主人公が官職に就き、出世していく過程の中でも地方官として最も品階の高い観察使として赴任する行列を描いたものである。 朝鮮時代に制作された行列図は、様々な主題の図の中に描きこまれ、多数の作例が現存する。それを主題別に分けてみると次のように分類できる。①班次図を中心とした王室の行事に関わる行列図、②中国や日本との外交行事に関わる屏風絵や画帖に描かれた行列図、③実存した人物の地方赴任を描いた行列図、④都市図の中に描かれた不特定の官吏赴任図などである。 中でも、いわゆる都市図の中には、平安監司(平安道観察使)の赴任を描き込んだ作例が少なくない。「平壌図」に描かれる壮大な赴任行列は、観察使赴任に関わる普遍的な赴任行列のイメージとして定着した。伝金弘道筆『平生図』の「観察使赴任図」は、実存した人物の履歴を取り上げた図ではないという意味では、都市図の中の官吏赴任行列図に近似する。 「観察使赴任図」の個々の図像を詳細に分析してみると、行列は前陪裨将→教書と諭書→節と鉞→司令旗・金鼓旗→吹鼓手と細楽手→棍杖と朱杖→令旗→観察使の双轎→後陪裨将と監営の吏員、の構成を為している。国王の権威を象徴する教書と諭書、節と鉞が描かれ、図が観察使の赴任行列であることを明確にしている。また、軍事統帥権を有する観察使の威厳を表す司令旗も描き込まれている。特に、教書筒と諭書筒は、行列の主人公が国王の命令を受けて赴任する観察使としての威厳を象徴する重要な機能を持つ。 都市図の行列図の中には、五里程(赴任地から五里離れたところの客舎)で新迎を受けたあとの壮大な「新迎」行列図を描いたものが多く、東西南北を示す黄白青紅旗が立ち並び、数々の将官と吏員、吹鼓手と細楽手や大勢の妓女が登場する。それに対し、『平生図』「観察使赴任図」は行列の構成からみて、丁若鏞(1762-1836)の言う「啓行」の行列を描いている。即ち、図は、観察使一行が都の漢陽を発ち、赴任地の五里程に到達する前までの行列を描いた観察使の「啓行」の行列図として注目されるべきである。

This paper is about the Picture of Newly-appointed Governor’s Procession of Man’s Ideal Life, Pyongsaeing-do, discussing the governor’s procession, and the cultural aspects surrounding it. The painting of Man’s Ideal Life, Pyongsaeing-do depicts the images of the glorious rite of passage and successful life of bureaucrats, among them the Picture of Newly-appointed Governor’s Procession illustrates the scene of a governor who was considered the highest rank of provincial official during the Joseon Period, describing the main figure in Pyongsaeing-do is successfully promoted to the position of the governor. Indeed, the pictures portraying processions of officials appear in the various genre of paintings during the Joseon Period, many of which are still preserved to this day. In terms of the theme, these pictures can be classified, as following: First, the painting of royal events, especially Bancha-do, depicts a parade in the court rites, featuring details of the cortege of countries, royal guards in the parades, the ceremonial flags, and banners. Second, processions of diplomatic affairs with Ming China and Japan remain in the albums and the screen paintings. Third, the processions of the appointment ceremony of the several existed bureaucracies are represented in the scroll paintings and in the hanging scrolls. Forth, the unspecified governors’ processions are depicted in the urban genre paintings specifically in the paintings of Pyongyang. Among those paintings, principally among the so-called the urban genre paintings, not a few Pyongyang-do represents the spectacular scene of governors’ procession which had created the popular images of the governors’ procession at the time. In terms of it, the characteristic of the Picture of Newly-appointed Governor’s Procession of Man’s Ideal Life, is similar to the image of Pyongyang-do. Based on the precise examination of the depicted the motifs and figures, it is clarified the parade of the governors is composed as this order: the front guard→gyoseo (教書) and yuseo (諭書 ) which are the types of written orders from the king → jeol ( 節 ) and wol ( 鉞 ) which are the ceremonial weapons given by the king → saryonggi ( 司令旗 ) and gumgogi ( 金鼓旗 ) which are large military command flags → chwigosu ( 吹鼓手 ) and saeaksu ( 細楽手 ) which are the two types of military bands → the cudgels and the vermilion canes → the militarily order banner → the commander’ flags → the governor and the sedan chair borne by two horses → the back guard and the provincial officials and retinues. Among them, gyoseo and yuseo, jeol and wol are directly given to the governor as a symbol of the royal authority delegated to the official. The representation of governors’ procession from most of the urban genre paintings, especially Pyongyang-do, portray the spectacular and brilliant parade which is, because the procession is done after the welcoming ceremony held in the orijeong, a guesthouse 2km from the provincial border. In this welcoming ceremony and procession, many military officials holding various colors of banners which symbolize the four directions, officials of the provincial office, provincial bands and provincial courtesans participate, and march from orijeong to the provincial office. This procedure is called chinyong ( 新迎 ). In comparison to this, the Picture of Newly-appointed Governor’s Procession of Man’s Ideal Life, is rather simple in details, although the most symbolic motifs such as gyoseo and yuseo, jeol and wol, saryonggi are distinctly illustrated. This procession which is rarely found in the illustrated materials, according to JEONG Yaggyong (1762-1836), represents the procession of kaehaeng (啓行) which describes the marching from the capital of Hanyang to an orijeong of the province.

Departmental Bulletin Paper



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