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  • Domestic work between two paradigms : Dependency and self sufficiency : An examination of the opposing models of Japan and the UAE



This research note is embedded in a question raised during my visiting fellowship to Japan. I had asked if the UAE, a country fully reliable on foreign domestic workers(1/4 of the national population)could benefit from the practice of Japan which does not employ migrant domestic workers and relies almost fully on family members taking care of their own needs and house chores. During the fellowship period I did many interviews with working mothers, families, and students. I observed school children learning cleaning their classrooms. I gathered notes and references of the changing pattern and level of men's engagement in domestic work in Japan. The question has opened many doors of inquiry about domestic work conception and its relationship with modernity, capitalism and women's work, and how the conception and unfolding realm of domestic work is also deeply connected to the cultural practices in societies. This research note relies mostly on the reading of the survey data accumulated from three Universities in Japan : Kagawa, Tokyo, and Bunkyo. The survey attempted to find out the perception of young students towards domestic work and the level of men dependability on women in such chores.


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