大阪市立美術館蔵《筒井筒蒔絵硯箱》に関する考察 : 九曜紋蒔絵婚礼調度の研究の基礎として


  • オオサカ シリツ ビジュツカンゾウ《ツツイズツ マキエ スズリバコ》ニ カンスル コウサツ : クヨウモン マキエ コンレイ チョウド ノ ケンキュウ ノ キソ トシテ
  • Ōsaka shiritsu bijutsukanzō "Tsutsuizutsu makie suzuribako" ni kansuru kōsatsu : Kuyōmon makie konrei chōdo no kenkyū no kiso toshite
  • Tsutsuizutsu inkstone case in the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts : as the basis for Kuyō-mon Crest Trousseaus studies




This paper examines an inkstone case from the Edo period (17th and 18th centuries), considered to be a part of Kuyō-mon Crest Trousseaus. In Japan, "bridal trousseau" is defined as a collection of a woman's possessions, each decorated with the same design and techniques and a family crest pattern. However, of Kuyō-mon Crest Trousseaus, this inkstone case is the only article adorned on the theme of Ise Monogatari (The Tales of Ise), giving no conclusive evidence that it belongs to the set. The analysis shows that the structure of the case is based on an old style since the medieval period. The design depicting human figures without a background is typical of the beginning of early-modern times. The materials used are mainly gold and silver, and high level of techniques were employed. To conclude, this inkstone case is considered to have been produced around the mid-17th century at the earliest and presumably used by an upper-class woman whose social rank was equal to or higher than that of landed daimyos. In the future, further research will be conducted on other trousseaus and examples with similar tastes carried in auction catalogs to clarify the overall aspect of Kuyō-mon Crest Trousseaus.

特集 : 林温教授 退職記念号


  • 哲學

    哲學 148 37-52, 2021-10


詳細情報 詳細情報について

