

  • Developmental Processes of Subnival Stone Pavements within Periglacial Regions
  • フロント レンジ インディアン ピークス シュウヘン ノ ザンセツカ ノ



Many kinds of pavement landforms are developed under various climates almost all over the world. These landforms have individually been studied by many previous researchers. However, comprehensive studies including the synthetical classification for the landforms have never been done up to this time. Under these circumstances, firstly, the author classified them into two kinds of the pavement forms based on their structures ; “bedrock pavement” and “stone pavement”. The surfaces of bedrock pavements are flattened bare rocks with joints such as limestone pavements. On the other hand, that of the stone pavements are accumulations of rock fragments, especially cobbles and boulders, in which stones are fitted together like a mosaic. Secondly, he classified the stone pavements into several sub-kinds of ones by paving processes and ways of concentration of boulders. The subnival stone pavement is a pavement occurred beneath a late-lying snow patch and one of sub-kinds of stone pavements developed under periglacial environments with paving processes of snow and ice. It is assumed that there are many processes for forming subnival stone pavements ; weight of snow, melting water to saturate fine materials beneath the pavement stones and to wash fines away from pavements. In order to clarify the pavement developmental processes, the main field researches by the author carried out on the alpine subnival boulder pavements (a kind of the subnival stone pavements) at the floor of glaciated valleys and the bottom of glacier cirques in the Indian Peaks Region, Colorado Front Range, Rocky Mountains. The same kinds of studies by the author have been done in the Central Japan Alps, the North Japan Alps, Mt. Gassan in N.E. Japan, Mt. Daisetsu in Hokkaidoh and Lapland, Finland and Norway, respectively. In this paper, he has, however, limited his study to the subnival pavements in the Colorado Front Range. The main subjects in this paper are summarized as follows : 1) The quantitative study for the pavements has been reported in Hara & Thorn (1982) by the data based on the measurements of boulder shape and size, depth-to-fines, and surface roughness. Their statistical analysis showed that origins of pavement forming stones were weathered blocks and boulders (autochthonous) or glacial till and rock fall debris (allochthonous). The importance of streams in the pavements, the streams scour fines from beneath a coarse surficial layer, is also statistically significant. The surface roughness is related to depth of snow over the pavements ; well developed pavement surfaces (less roughness) under deeper snowpack accumulation. 2) The parts of developmental stages of the alpine subnival boulder pavements have been examined from the comparative study to other adjacent periglacial landforms at two pavement sites ; L-4-W and I-G-T in Fig. 3. Polygonal patterned ground are developed to the south of the L-4-W pavement (Fig. 9) and a vegetated gentle slope to the north. A clear pavement surface occurs only a small part over the stream at the foot of a block stream. The stone shape and size of each sample plot show similar values. The smaller values of depth-to-fines show not so much washing of fines away from pavements. The surface roughness of sample plots 3 and 6 around the L-4-W have slightly less values (more flat) than plot 2 in the pavement (L-4-W). In the opinion of the author, the results of those measurings shows gradual transition from a polygonal patterned ground to a subnival boulder pavement because of removal of fines by streams and paving process of snow. 3) The turf-banked terraces have been developed very well at the north of the I-G-T pavement (Fig. 10). Furthermore, this pavement itself represents similar features to the stone-banked terraces in its form. The results of the measurements on both parts, the I-G-T pavement and the turf-banked terraces, show that the surface forms and materials are the same except stream parts. Judging from these facts, it seems to the author that the both parts have originally been developed as the same kinds of solifluction terraces on the bottom in one single glacial cirque. Moreover, at the deeper and long lasting snow part in the cirque, a well developed pavement surface has been formed by late-lying snow. On the other hand, at less snow part in the same cirque, the turf-banked terraces have been developed by an invasion of vegetation instead of pavementation because of little snow. As stated above, the author draws a model, on the developmental processes of subnival stone pavements, deduced from the field-data in the Colorado Front Range. However, the adequate experimental studies for this remains to solve this problems in connection with on both more precise measurements and the comparative studies for these landforms.


  • 地域研究

    地域研究 29 (1), 24-38, 1988-06-30


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