Considerations on the Sumiyoshi Hōraku Senku


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  • 「住吉法楽千句」考

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要旨  本稿は大永元年(1521)11 月に張行された「住吉法楽千句」の特徴を明らかにした論である。この千句は三条西実隆と連歌師宗碩の両吟によるもので、親しい両者が互いに遠慮することなく実力を発揮した作品である。句どうしの関係が明白でなく難解で次のような特徴がある。『伊勢物語』『源氏物語』を本説とした句が複数見られるが、典拠がすぐに判明しないよう句作されている。実隆も宗碩も難解な前句の典拠を理解し当意即妙に句を付けていた。『雪玉集』『再昌草』にのみ見られる和歌表現を用いたものもあり、実隆は新規な表現を用いて句作しようと試みていた。宗碩は、勅撰集のみならず『延文百首』『永享百首』所収の和歌も正確に引用していた。さらに、宗祇ら先人たちの連歌表現を用いている句もあった。千句完成後、後柏原天皇が懐紙を閲覧したとあり、どのように句が付いているのか、第三者が読み解く楽しみもあったことを考察した。

Abstract  This paper presents a clarification of the characteristics of the Sumiyoshi Hōraku Senku, held in November of the first year of the Daiei imperial era( 1521). Sanjōnishi Sanetaka and Sōseki, a rengashi( professional renga poet), read their Senku at this gathering. These two poets were very close, open, and frank with each other, and it can be said that these works demonstrated their superior abilities. The relationships between each of the verses in the Sumiyoshi Hōraku Senku are difficult to interpret and understand, and their sources are not apparent at first glance. Within his renga verses, Sanetaka employed waka-style poetry expressions he had used in his personal poetry collections, Setsugyokushū and Saishōsō. Sōseki correctly used waka poetry expressions from Chokusenshū (imperially commissioned anthologies of waka poetry) and the Hyakushu Waka(100 waka verses)used for the compilation of Chokusenshū. There were also verses in these Senku that used renga expressions of previous poets, including Sōgi. After finishing the Senku reading, it is said that the Emperor Go-Kashiwabara perused the kaishi( sheets of paper on which were written the Senku poetry); one of the amusements after the reading was to have persons other than the poets make interpretive readings as to how the verses were interrelated


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