「笑いヨガ」により生活の質を改善する(続報) -中高年層における心理状態の変化と「自主トレーニング」の有用性について-


  • Examination of quality of life improvement effect of “laughter yoga” An additional report: Changes in psychological state in middle-aged and elderly people and efficacy of “self-training”



In this study, we conducted a POMS survey and CES-D test to investigate the psychological benefits of laughter yoga. The subjects were 31 women in their 40's to 70's, group A (n=15) who took the "laughter yoga" class and "self-training" and group B (n=16) who did not take the "self-training" class. In both groups, questionnaires on "change in mood" and "depression" were administered, and the changes in the psychological state of the subjects were analyzed and evaluated, and the following conclusions were obtained. The evaluation of the "mood status" by the six scales in the POMS survey suggested that the continuous implementation of the "voluntary training" was effective in alleviating the "tension-anxiety"and improving the "depression-feel down" states. In addition, the feelings of "anger and hostility" could be improved regardless of the presence or absence of "voluntary training," and it was thought that sharing the contents of training would lead to the activation of body and mind. The results of the CES-D test suggested that the tendency to improve depression was enhanced when participants participated in the laughter yoga workshop and continued the voluntary training. "The results of the POMS survey were similar to those of the POMS survey. In group A, all the subjects who were evaluated as "depressed" before the intervention broke out of the "depressed state" during the intervention and remained in the "improved state" afterwards. In Group B, half of the subjects who were evaluated as "depressed" before the intervention also broke out of the depressed state. These findings indicate that the "depression" can be improved to some extent even in the group that received the "laughter yoga" course alone. These findings suggest that "laughter yoga" activities are useful for improving the "quality of life" as an approach to stress coping in all social situations. In addition, by reducing the burden of "self-training," laughter yoga" seems to be an effective approach for people suffering from physical and mental disorders to improve their symptoms and medical conditions.

本研究においては,「笑いヨガ」の心理面における有用性の有無について,POMS調査およびCES-D検査を行い検討した。検索対象は40~70代の女性,計31名で,「笑いヨガ」の講習会に加えて「自主トレーニング」を実施したA群(n=15)と「自主トレーニング」非実施のB群(n=16)とした。両群において, 「気分の変化」と「うつ状態」についてのアンケート調査を行い,被験者の心理状態の変化について分析・評価したところ,以下の結論を得た。 POMS調査における6尺度による「気分の状態」の評価では,「緊張-不安感」の緩和や「抑うつ-落込み」状態の改善については,「自主トレーニング」の継続実施が効果的であることが示唆された。また「怒り-敵意」の感情は,「自主トレーニング」の有無に関わらず改善が可能であり,トレーニングの内容の共有が,心身の活性化に繋がるものと考えられた。 またCES-D検査における評価結果より,「笑いヨガ」講習会の参加に加え,「自主トレーニング」を継続実施した場合に,「うつ状態」の改善傾向が促されることが示唆された。「うつ状態」改善効果については,POMS調査の結果に同調していた。すなわち,A群では,介入前に「うつ状態」と評価された被験者全員が,介入中に「うつ状態」から脱却し,その後も「改善状態」が持続した。またB群においても,介入前に「うつ状態」と評価された被験者の半数に「うつ状態」からの脱却が認められた。本所見は,「笑いヨガ」講習の単独実施群においても,ある程度の「うつ状態」改善効果が得られることが判明した。 以上の所見から,「笑いヨガ」の活動が,社会のあらゆる場におけるストレスコーピングへの取り組みとして,「生活の質」の改善に役立つものと考えられる。そして,「自主トレーニング」の負荷軽減により,心身の不調に悩む人々に対して,症状の改善や医学的な応用による病状の改善にも「笑いヨガ」が効果的な取り組みであると思われる。


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 (23), 77-95, 2022-03-10


詳細情報 詳細情報について

