Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- About the Full Text and Publication System of Tenrei Bansho Meigi
本稿は,先日公開された高山寺本篆隷万象名義データベース(平安時代漢字字書総合データベースHDIC の一部)について,そのデータベースの構築,全文テキストと公開システムを中心に述べる.内容は,篆隷万象名義の資料解説と先行研究,全文テキスト,公開システム,課題からなる.このたび,古辞書研究者での活用と文字情報処理での応用を期待してデータを公開し,本稿はそのための公開データの内容を解説するものである.
This paper presents an explanation of the construction, the full text and the publication system of KTB (Kosanjibon Tenrei Bansho Meigi database, which is part of Integrated Database of Hanzi Dictionaries in Early Japan, abbreviated as HDIC),of which the full text data has been recently released to the public. It consists of the summary, preceding studies,the full text,the publication system and problems in future. It is hoped that the data made public,could be made practical use by the researchers both in the domain of premodern Chinese characters dictionaries’ studies,and information processing.
- じんもんこん2016論文集
じんもんこん2016論文集 2016 95-102, 2016-12-02
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050292572112970112
- NII Article ID
- 170000173919
- Web Site
- http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00176192/
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- conference paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles