教職員の高齢者理解に関する調査研究 -教育老学年への招待-

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  • A Study on the Understanding of the Elderly among Teachers: An Introduction to Educational Gerontology
  • 教職員の高齢者理解に関する調査研究--教育老年学への招待
  • キョウショクイン ノ コウレイシャ リカイ ニ カンスル チョウサ ケンキュウ キョウイク ロウネンガク エ ノ ショウタイ




This article aims at considering the possibility of establishing comprehensive gerontology curriculums in Japan's universities based on the results of the questionnaire of the understanding of the elderly and the consciousness of the later years of teachers. Japan is a mature society with an elderly population, aged 65 years or over, of 2,901 million accounting for 22.7 percent of the population. The Japanese government has recognized the importance and the necessity of interdisciplinary research programs such as gerontology in college and graduate levels. However, there are few universities with gerontology programs in Japan. The results show that teachers involved don't understand the real aging process and the elderly and that the importance and the necessity of studying gerontology as university curriculum in their early life stages. In the U.S., the Gerontological Society of America and the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education have already been established and 37 universities have masters programs and five universities have doctoral programs in gerontology. This is the best time for Japanese universities to set up gerontology programs to improve the understanding of the real abring process and QOL, and to decrease discrimination and prejudice toward senior citizens. Establishing gerontology programs at university levels is important to understand the real aging process and improving our subjective well-being in later years.



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