

  • A Study of Mure-Gempei Ishiakari-Road
  • ムレ ゲンペイセキアカリ ロード ニ ツイテ




2014 marked the 10th anniversary of the Mure-Gempei Ishiakari-Road. This provided the perfect opportunity to conduct a survey of visitors to the event and do things like: determine general characteristics of the visitors, discover how well known the event is, find out how familiar people are with the art works, gauge the level of satisfaction of the visitors, and ascertain what plans should be made for the future development of the event. The survey yielded the following results: The majority of visitors were in their 30’s and 40’s, and were accompanied by their children. Two-thirds of the people attending were coming for their second time or more. Due to factors such as 95% of the people saying that they were either “completely satisfied” or “highly satisfied,” it is clear that after 10 years the citizens in the community have established the Ishiakari-Road as a mainstay event. On the other hand, since only 4% of the visitors were from outside of the prefecture, in order to promote future development, it has been determined that it will be important to use various media to spread information about the event over a wider area of the country.


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 64・65 99-115, 2016-02-28


詳細情報 詳細情報について

