特別支援学校(知的障害)高等部進路指導担当教員の就労移行支援に対する困り感 -指導法及び教員支援に関する自由記述から-


  • Career Transition Teachers' Perplexion at Special Needs Schools for Intellectual Disabilities : From Analysis of Free Writing Texts about Teacher Support Systems,Effective Instruction Methods for School-to-Work Transition.
  • トクベツ シエン ガッコウ(チテキ ショウガイ)コウトウブ シンロ シドウ タントウ キョウイン ノ シュウロウ イコウ シエン ニ タイスル コマリ カン : シドウホウ オヨビ キョウイン シエン ニ カンスル ジユウ キジュツ カラ




The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ perplexion for clarifies the issue of Vocational transition services for students with intellectual disabilities. A questionnaire was sent to a total of 1,072 transition teachers belong to 536 special needs school for intellectual disabilities, for collecting free writing texts about perplexion that transition teacher were feeling when they support school-to-work transition with students. These data were using qualitative analysis. As the result, free writing texts were categorized as follows;(1)career development of students for transition goals,(2)collaboration with parents for success of school-to-work transition,(3)use assessment tool and instructional methods for career development for students more effectively,(4)lack of supporting systems for transition teachers within special needs schools, and(5) deficient environment as the job-site-training for students with disabilities.


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 60・61 111-128, 2014-02-28


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