The Significance of Contribution to Community and Childcare Support in Volunteer Activities − Practical Report of“ WAKUWAKU LAND”−

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  • ボランティア活動における地域貢献や子育て支援の意義 −「わくわくランド」 の実践報告-
  • ボランティア カツドウ ニ オケル チイキ コウケン ヤ コソダテ シエン ノ イギ : 「 ワク ワク ランド 」 ノ ジッセン ホウコク

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The Department of Child Education and Welfare of Osaka International Junior College has conducted the Wakuwaku Land program, a program of childcare support activities, for parents and children in the neighborhood since 2017. −The program consists of a variety of content that incorporates the characteristics of the faculty of this department−, such as musical expression, artistic expression, physical expression, and childcare support. The Wakuwaku Land program aims not only to play a role in regional cooperation with the junior college but also to educate student volunteers in the significance of contributing to the community and childcare support. −In addition to these activities, through classes and practical training, we examine their changing perspective on contributing to the community and childcare support.


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