修辞的効果を生み出すカテゴリー化 : 日本語における類の提喩の機能的多様性

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  • シュウジテキ コウカ オ ウミダス カテゴリーカ : ニホンゴ ニ オケル ルイ ノ テイユ ノ キノウテキ タヨウセイ
  • A Cognitive Approach to Communicative Functions of Synecdoche in Japanese

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本論文の目的は,日本語の類の提喩(i.e. 一般で特殊を表す提喩)を考察対象として,その多様な機能の基盤となる認知的特性を明らかにすることである。修辞的効果は一般に,慣用的な用法から外れている場合に生じることが知られているが,この外れ方にはパターンがある。類の提喩の修辞的効果は,非慣習的な着眼点にもとづく上位レベルのカテゴリー化を反映している。類の提喩は,コンテクストに応じて多様な機能(e.g. 未知性を示唆する,特定の側面を際立たせる,婉曲性を示す,無関心であることを暗示する)を担うが,全ての機能は,類の提喩特有のカテゴリー化のパターンを反映している。本論文では,認知的特性に着目することで,修辞学で断片的に記述されてきたレトリックの効果が体系的に記述されることを例証した。 Figurative expressions manifest our fundamental ability to structure conceptual systems. Synecdoche, a figure of speech by which a general thing is substituted for a specific thing or vice versa, reflects our flexible ability to categorize an entity in different resolution. Recent investigations in cognitive linguistics have demonstrated that synecdoche contributes to conceptual flexibility in categorization. In addition, synecdoche functions as a communicative device to produce various pragmatic effects in different contexts. However, there seems to be few descriptions of the communicative functions of synecdoche in the previous studies. This paper aims to provide detailed descriptions of communicative functions of synecdoche in Japanese from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. We focused on a type of synecdoche, where a general thing stands for a specific thing, and described four types of communicative functions of synecdoche: (i) introducing an unknown entity, (ii) highlighting a property of the target of synecdoche, (iii) implying that direct reference to the target is a taboo, and (iv) indicating someone’s indifference to the target. Our basic strategy was to connect a communicative function to a way of construal such as foregrounding and backgrounding. Construal differs depending on the aspect foregrounded in context. We showed that the four types of communicative functions are conditioned by three contextual factors: (i)state of knowledge, (ii) prominence, and (iii) politeness. Our classification of contextual factors enabled us to analyze how different communicative functions relate to each other and to describe them in a systematic way. Our result implies that we can generally describe communicative functions of figurative expressions in a systematic way by considering how the schematic pattern of construal is elaborated by numerous contexts. This paper indicates that the framework of cognitive linguistics provides an analytic tool to deal with pragmatic aspects of figurative language, as well as its semantic aspects.


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