ドイツにおける職業継続教育の高等教育との同等化に関する研究 : 昇進向上教育修了者への専門学士・修士授与をめぐって

機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • A Study on the Equivalency between Vocational Education and Higher Education in Germany : Regarding Award of Bachelor and Master Professionals to Graduates for Upgrading Further Education


This article aims to clarify processes and discussions concerning reforms in 2020 for the awarding system of completion qualifications to vocational upgrading education in Germany. At the same time, author tries to acquire suggestions from Germany to the recent discussions on re-studying or re-skilling in Japan. Following facts has become clear through analyses of their tasks, although titles’ names are different a little from traditional academic degrees. This epoch-making reform for vocational and further education based on the German experiences concerning the construction activities for the German Qualification Framework (DQR), the original viewpoints of professional oriented competencies’ descriptors, and the German traditions of vocational training and further training system to skilled workers by chambers or specialized schools. But some unclear points can be observed such as the follows. Why the title name is different, although both certificates, degrees are equivalent. Next, the regulations for the learning time and range for the further upgrading training are so rough and simple, so each learning cites include individual or work experiences into the legal learning time. Moreover, involvements by university side to these grappling are not discussed, although it needs to receive many co-operations from them.


  • 生涯学習・キャリア教育研究

    生涯学習・キャリア教育研究 19 1-17, 2023-03

    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科附属 生涯学習・キャリア教育研究センター

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