小学校教員を志望する学生の理科における苦手意識の実態調査と指導力育成のためのICTを用いた教育方法の検討 -「月と太陽」の単元を対象に-


  • A Survey of the Perceptions of Science Difficulties of Students in Elementary School Teacher-Training Course and Consideration of Teaching Methods Using ICT for Developing Science Teaching Skills: A Case Study of the “Moon and Sun” Unit



In this note, focusing on the “Moon and Sun” unit, we surveyed the Perceptions of Science Difficulties of Students in Elementary School Teacher-Training Course, and verified whether their understanding of “Moon and Sun” deepens through learning activities using the “waxing and waning of the moon AR+Jr” .  The results of the questionnaire survey indicated the following three points: 1 ) a relatively large number of students remember what they learned about the waxing and waning of the moon in elementary school, 2 ) only about half of the students understood enough to be able to explain it, and 3 ) most students did not have the confidence to teach it to elementary school students. The results of the analysis of their worksheet showed that most of the them understood not only the angular distance and the shape of the moon, but also the relationship between the two through the learning activities. However, these results are limited by the fact that the questionnaire survey and learning activities were conducted as part of a class, and there was not enough control or pre/post comparison.  This study indicates that the pedagogical methods used to develop instructional skills include strategies in order to help students develop confidence in science, to facilitate them enjoy science observations, and to provide students with an ICT tool to encourage their science activities.


  • 教育学論集

    教育学論集 (75), 187-197, 2023-03-31


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