A Study on the Incorporation into Government Land Class III of ‘Land developed by Former Natives’ : under the Hokkaido Ordinance for Issuing Land Certificates

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  • 北海道地券発行条例によるアイヌ民族「住居ノ地所」の官有地第三種編入について : 札幌県作成「官有地調」の検討を中心として
  • ホッカイドウチケン ハッコウ ジョウレイ ニ ヨル アイヌ ミンゾク 「 ジュウキョ ノ ジショ 」 ノ カンユウチ ダイサンシュ ヘンニュウ ニ ツイテ : サッポロ ケン サクセイ 「 カンユウチチョウ 」 ノ ケントウ オ チュウシン ト シテ

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Throughout the first half Meiji era, in principle, Ainu ‘Properties of Residence’ has been handled by incorporation into government land class III in accordance with Article 16 of the Hokkaido Ordinance for Issuing Land Certificates, enacted in December, 1877 (Meiji 10). It is known that in some cases, granting of ownership rights was possible. However, regarding the reality of this administration, there are multiple opinions on interpretation of the entries under ‘Land developed by Former Natives’ within land register records published in Kaitakushi Jigyō Hōkōku (Report of the Works of the Colonial Department), and facts surrounding these issues are not clear. Recent research has found that, at the time of establishment of land tax systems in Hokkaido, some lands used by the Ainu were subject to measurement, while other lands were not subject to measurement. These studies have clearly demonstrated that, of such measured lands, in some cases, ownership rights for private land were granted, and in other cases, ownership rights were reserved with the land being retained as government land class III. However, such research is limited to case studies of specific regions, and further research is required to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the entire structure. This study compiles fundamental information from official documents created by the Hokkaido Colonial Department Sapporo Office and Sapporo Prefecture. This study finds that the values under ‘Land developed by Former Natives’ in land register records published in Kaitakushi Jigyō Hōkōku (Report of the Works of the Colonial Department) indicate the areas of properties for which, after land measurement, ownership rights were reserved with the properties being retained as government land class III at the time of establishment of land tax systems in Hokkaido. We identify that these properties included, at least, residential land and cultivated land.


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