Haruki Murakami “TV people” theory : The first person perspective “I”

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  • 村上春樹「TV ピープル」論 : 一人称視点「僕」について
  • ムラカミ ハルキ 「 TV ピープル 」 ロン : イチニンショウ シテン 「 ボク 」 ニ ツイテ

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“TV people” is a collection of short stories in which the story of Haruki Murakami’s opening in the 1990s was announced. This work is based on the existence of indeterminacy of speculative expression in the reality of the appearance of TV people who comes to the setting of the TV, the sudden departure of his wife, the expressions first-person and the subjective feelings. It is a unique work that invites various interpretations. The characteristics of first-person perspective and the expression of others are the focuses of this paper, which tries to reevaluate the original work. Haruki Murakami, who started from the first-person viewpoint, produced a narrator called “I” telling his story. The narrator “I” is shaped as a person who has a lot of extravagant feelings toward the world. The “TV people” is a story in which the first-person “I” not only talks about himself but also tries to know who he is through telling the relationship with others. In “TV people” the first-person narration is consistent, The framework of the first-person perspective is consciously constructed. The story is a world told unilaterally by the narrator “I”, but with the appearance of the TV people, the narration of “I” who interprets the words and actions of others in his own way, loses its absoluteness which embodies a wider perspective of uncertainty. In other words, this work, which introduces the TV people is a work that embraces the viewpoint of the uncertain self-examining through “I” who gradually come to strongly suspect his identity.


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