- タイトル別名
- Statistical quality control for uncertainty information system of hole making process with hard and brittle material using rotary grinding
- ジョウホウ ノ フタシカサ オ トモナウ コウゼイセイ ザイリョウ ノ カイテン ケンサク アナカコウ コウテイ ニ タイスル トウケイテキ ヒンシツ カンリ シュホウ ノ ケンキュウ
This paper describes Statistical Quality Control (SQC) for a system which contains uncertainty information of a machining system. The system being evaluated is rotary ultrasonic machining, and the material being machined is glass, which is a hard and brittle material. The machining characteristics are the radius of the hole and the roughness of the inner surface. The machining factors are the speed of the tool feed and rotation, the ultrasonic power applied to the tool, and the two tool feed modes. If the values of the factors have uncertainty; that is, bias from the design or true values, or dispersion at the design or true values, the characteristics will not meet the product’s standards. In this research, those problems are analyzed using SQC with computer simulation. The most important consideration is the propagation of uncertainty from the factors to the characteristics. Finally, the usefulness of, and issues related to the SQC method are evaluated.
- 目白大学経営学研究
目白大学経営学研究 (21), 1-16, 2023-03-31
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050296221590216832
- AA11843415
- 13485776
- 032795786
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ