国境を越えた入学前教育における仮想反転授業の導入の可能性 -中国の大学生を対象とした調査の結果を踏まえて-


  • Possibility of the Adoption of Virtual Flipped Classroom in Cross-border Pre-enrollment Education: Based on the Rsults on the Srvey of Uiversity Sudents in China
  • コッキョウ オ コエタ ニュウガク ゼン キョウイク ニ オケル カソウ ハンテン ジュギョウ ノ ドウニュウ ノ カノウセイ : チュウゴク ノ ダイガクセイ オ タイショウ ト シタ チョウサ ノ ケッカ オ フマエテ




From 2020, we have started empirical research on pre-overseas education by cross-border" virtual flipped classroom". As part of the promotion of this research, we have conducted an online questionnaire survey in order to collect basic materials to clarify how university students in their home countries perceive the learning style of cross-border "virtual flipped classroom". From the results of basic analysis of the data, we got the pointer that about 80% of the subjects have some concerns about using the Internet, but they can effectively utilize smart devices such as smartphones, the tools and services that operate on them and take a proactive approach for learning activities. In the future, based on these findings, we would like to conduct more detailed analysis and promote the above-mentioned empirical research


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