

  • チョウカク ショウガイシャ ノ セイシン ケンコウ ニ カンスル ニチベイ ヒカク
  • Mental Health in American and Japanese Hearing Impaired Populations : A Comparative Study
  • Mental Health in American and Japanese Hearing Impaired Populations : A Comparative Study




GHQ30項目版を用いてアメリカの聴覚障害者(ギャロデット大学の学生)と日本の聴覚障害者の精神健康度の比較を行った。その結果, 以下のような特徴が明らかにされた。 ①アメリカの聴覚障害者の精神健康度は日本と同様, 健常者と神経症者の中間にある。ただ, アメリカの聴覚障害者の方が日本の聴覚障害者より精神健康度は高い傾向がみられた。②日本ではろう者より難聴者の方が精神健康度は低いが, アメリカのろう者と難聴者では精神健康度の違いはみられなかった。③アメリカと比べて日本のろう者, 難聴者は, 身体的症状, 睡眠障害が認められた。日本の聴覚障害者のストレスは身体反応として現れやすい。④アメリカは法律により障害者を受け入れる社会体制が整っている。そのため国民は障害者に対する理解があり, 聴覚障害者自身も障害を受容しやすくなっている。日本はそのような背景がなく, 聴覚障害者は障害者としてのアイデンティティを獲得しにくい状況にあるといえる。

A 30-item GHQ was administered to an American sample of hearing impaired undergraduate students at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. The GHQ results were compared with those of a Japanese sample. Analysis of the data yielded the following conclusions.1. In both the American and the Japanese hearing impaired samples, the overall GHQ score was somewhat more elevated than the norm for psychologically healthy people, although still within the non-neurotic range.2. There were no differences seen between deaf and hard of hearing for the American samples in the measure of overall mental health. In the Japanese sample, the hard of hearing group achieved scores indicating significantly less psychological health than did the Japanese deaf group.3. It was noted that both Japanese samples, especially the hard of hearing group, reported significantly more symptoms on the Somatic and Sleep disturbance scales than American samples.4. U.S. society has made significant gains in its services to and acceptance of deaf people. Thus, the relatively more healthy U.S. scores may reflect greater support in accepting their degree of deafness. Japanese society is less accepting of disabilities, which may exert more and greater stress on Japanese deaf and hard of hearing persons. The distress this produces is expressed in culturally sanctioned ways.




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