

  • Collapse of Odonata community of Lake Koyama (Tottori City, Honshu, Japan) by induction of the high salinity.



湖山池はわずかな塩分(1.75 ppt 以下)を含む汽水湖であったが2012年3月にはじまった塩分導入事業により当地に生息していた淡水性動植物は壊滅的な打撃を受けている。塩分導入がもたらす生物相の変化を記録するため,2012年4月から2014年11月まで塩分測定とトンボ類の調査を行なった。2012年の初夏にはヤゴの脱皮殻の確認によりウチワヤンマとコフキトンボの湖内からの発生を確認できたが,その後,湖内からの発生は終息した。確認できた種数(成虫)は水門開放前の2003年には23種であったが,2012年は10種,2013年は8種,2014年は5種となった。2012年の初夏以降,湖山池の塩分は塩分耐性のあるウチワヤンマでさえ生息できない塩分(海水の1/10以上)となっており,2013年以降の確認種はすべて隣接する流入河川または淡水池で発生したと考えられるものである。Lake Koyama in Tottori City which was originally a lagoon facing on Sea of Japan had been a brackish water lake with a subtle salinity less than 1.75 ppt (= ca. 1/20 of seawater salinity) for more than past 400 years except for a short period between 1989−2005 when the salinity was controlled to keep less than 0.35 ppt (= ca. 1/100 of seawater) for agricultural use of lake water. However, Tottori Prefecture and Tottori City started the project on 12 March 2012 to raise salinity of the lake to 3.5−8.75 ppt (1/10 to 1/4 of seawater salinity) by frequent opening of the Koyamagawa Water Gate in the Koyama River that connects Lake Koyama and Sea of Japan. This was done without operation of any environmental assessments for the expected faunal and floral change of the lake. We have monitored salinity changes and faunal change of Odonata in Lake Koyama from April 2012 to November 2014. The number of odonate species decreased from 23 recorded in the 2003 surveys to 10 and 8 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The salinity of the lake increased 8.75 ppt as early as in late July and reached up to 12 ppt in October in 2012. There are no odonate species that can tolerate salinity over 3.5 ppt in Lake Koyama and it seems that all the 8 and 5 species recorded during the 2013 and 2014 surveys are the species emerged from several short rivers and channels that flow into the lake or adjacent freshwater ponds and pools.


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