

  • “Political, Economic, and Social Education” and “Education for Citizenship”
  • セイケイシャ キョウイク ト コウミン キョウイク



Political, economic and social education is the education about political, economic and social field in social studies of the primary and junior high school, which is the new education after the war. This passed through "Laws and economics", "Citizenship studies" before the war and "Genelal social studies" after the war. Because of the above-mentioned progress, "Political, economic and social education" has something in common with "Citizenship studies" befor the war in the object and content. But they are not the same in the adoption or standpoint of adoption. "Education for citizenship" befor the war had the back of ultra nationalism as "Education for citizenship" by the government and differed from the conduct-principle of liberal and democratic politics utterly. On the contrary, the final aim of "Political, economic and social education" after the war is the establishment of democratic society of which the respection of individuals stand on the basis and has the contrast direction with the education befor the war. Thus this "political, economic and social education" distinguishes distinctly the education before the war from one after the war. However on this revision-direction in social studies of the primary and junior high school, the existing political, economic and socialfield in the junior high school is going to change the name of the field for citizenship, and to aim "the cultivation of standard of citizenship's nature" in the primary school, and to use the name of " Education for citizenship" again. But naturally the new "Education for citizenship" (after 1971) has to differ from "Education for citizenship" before the war. In oder to practice the new "Education for citizenship" healthy and fairly, it must not be interferred and used by the then nation or government unfairly, and must be protected from the political and thought prejudice or dogma by teachers in the work-field.


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