

  • エイガ ニオケル ドウブツ ノ ヒュゲン ホウホウ チョウキョウ ト テクノロジー ニ チュウモク シテ
  • Animal Representation in Film: Focus on Methods of Training and Technology




This article aims to discuss the technological aspects of representing animals in films. Animals have been subjects in films since The Horse in Motion shot by Eadweard Muybridge in 1878. In narrative films, filmmakers are required to control animals in front of a camera and make them look like acting. In the process, animal training technique has played an important role. However, recent films no longer need training animals because obedient animals are easily available by using CGI, animatronics, and motion capture. This article focuses on the training and technology of animals and clarifies that controlling animals in cinematography has shifted from ‘training’ to ‘taming’ by using technology.   Firstly, this article surveys the method of training animals in circuses and analyzes Prof. Welton’s Boxing Cats(1894)to make clear the difference between animal training in circuses and early cinema. Secondly, this article deals with the issues of cinematography and animal rights which come to be included in the discussion of controlling of animals. The article investigates two movie series, a famous dog in the silent film era, Rin-Tin-Tin’s movie series(1922─1947), and popular talking dogs in the early talkie era, “Dogville” comedy series(1929─1931), focusing on the dilemma between representing animals and paying attention to animal rights. Thirdly, the article focuses on analyzing Babe(1995) that succeeded in presenting talking animals by coalescing real animals, animatronics, and CGI, and points out the characteristics of computer-generated ‘digital animals’ in film today. Through focusing on methods of training and technology of animals in films from the emergence of cinema to digital cinema, this article concludes the history of controlling animals has shifted from ‘training’ to ‘taming’.


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