

  • Comparative Studies Using Microdata from Eurostat: How to Apply for Microdata
  • コクサイ ヒカク ケンキュウ ニ オケル コウテキ トウケイ ノ カツヨウ ニ ツイテ



The aim of this paper is to explain how to apply for microdata provided by Eurostat. Comparative studies using microdata of official statistics contribute to understanding our societies. Official statistics as public goods are significant not only for decision-making and evaluation purposes, but also for scientific purposes through academic research. The application procedure comprises two steps. The outcome of Step 1 is for a research organization to be recognized as a research entity. Important factors in Step 1 are the eligibility and responsibilities of the research entity ; the main purpose of an organization; providing evidence of research publication; independence and autonomy in formulating scientific conclusions ; and adequate data security safeguards, including accessing confidential data only for the agreed-upon purposes and guaranteeing the physical security of the data. Once Eurostat have recognized the organization as a research entity, researchers can apply for access to microdata. Important factors to consider in Step 2 are the purpose of the research proposal; safekeeping of the data ; and intermediate and final results for assuring anonymity of the respondents


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