Memory for actions and reality monitoring in adults with autism spectrum disorder


Reality monitoring is the cognitive process of distinguishing between internally and externally generated information sources such as imagined and performed actions. The purpose of this study was to examine self-self-monitoring with action in people with autism, which has not been examined previously, using subject performed tasks along with free recall and recognition. Twenty adults with ASD and 20 adults with typical development (TD) participated in this study. Participants memorized action sentences such as “write in pencil” and “under imagined, pantomime, or enacted conditions.” Free recall, yes/no recognition, and reality monitoring tests were conducted immediately after and one week later. There was no difference in reality monitoring between the ASD and TD groups. The free recall and recognition performance of the ASD group was lower than that of the TD group. The results of the present study support the previously reported finding of unimpaired retrospective mechanisms of sense of agency related to reality monitoring in people with ASD. Moreover, low levels of free recall and recognition were discussed regarding difficulties in memory reconstruction and consolidation.


  • Memory

    Memory 31 (4), 482-490, 2023-04-21

    Taylor and Francis Group

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