高等学校公民科における構造図の作成による問題分析手法の開発 : 「ヤングケアラー問題」を事例として


  • Development of a Method for Analyzing Problems by Creating Structural Diagrams in High School Civics : A Case Study of the "Young Carer Problem"
  • コウトウ ガッコウ コウミンカ ニ オケル コウゾウズ ノ サクセイ ニ ヨル モンダイ ブンセキ シュホウ ノ カイハツ : 「 ヤング ケアラー モンダイ 」 オ ジレイ ト シテ



The purpose of this study is to develop a lesson focusing on the process of problem identification and problem analysis in social participation learning in high school civics. In order to make decisions and propose realistic and reasonable solutions to social problems, it is necessary to understand the cause-and-effect relationship of social problems in the process of problem identification and problem analysis. In this study, the Project Cycle Management method of creating problem diagrams was utilized as a method for understanding the cause-and-effect relationships of social problems in the process of problem identification and problem analysis. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the developed lessons was verified through problem diagrams created by students, written reports, and questionnaire surveys.


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