Absorption function loss due to the history of previous ankle sprain explored by unsupervised machine learning


Zhang X., Ogasawara I., Konda S., et al. Absorption function loss due to the history of previous ankle sprain explored by unsupervised machine learning. Gait and Posture 109, 56 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2024.01.021 .

Background: Ankle sprains are common and cause persistent ankle function reduction. To biomechanically evaluate the ankle function after ankle sprains, the ground reaction force (GRF) measurement during the single-legged landing had been used. However, previous studies focused on discrete features of vertical GRF (vGRF), which largely ignored vGRF waveform features that could better identify the ankle function. Purpose: To identify how the history of ankle sprain affect the vGRF waveform during the single-legged landing with unsupervised machine learning considering the time-series information of vGRF. Methods: Eighty-seven currently healthy basketball athletes (12 athletes without ankle sprain, 49 athletes with bilateral, and 26 athletes with unilateral ankle sprain more than 6 months before the test day) performed single-legged landings from a 20 centimeters (cm) high box onto the force platform. Totally 518 trials vGRF data were collected from 87 athletes of 174 ankles, including 259 ankle sprain trials (from previous sprain ankles) and 259 non-ankle sprain trials (from without sprain ankles). The first 100 milliseconds (ms) vGRF waveforms after landing were extracted. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the vGRF data, selecting 8 principal components (PCs) representing 96% of the information. Based on these 8 PCs, k-means method (k = 3) clustered the 518 trials into three clusters. Chi-square test assessed significant differences (p < 0.01) in the distribution of ankle sprain and non-ankle sprain trials among clusters. Findings: The ankle sprain trials accounted for a significantly larger percentage (63.9%) in Cluster 3, which exhibited rapidly increased impulse vGRF waveforms with larger peaks in a short time. Significance: PCA and k-means method for vGRF waveforms during single-legged landing identified that the history of previous ankle sprains caused a loss of ankle absorption ability lasting at least 6 months from an ankle sprain.


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    journal article
  • データソース種別
    • IRDB

