Minor Troubles Perceived by Primipara/Multipara and Characteristics of Early/Mid/Late Term Pregnancy Revealed from Fingertip Pulse in Pregnant Women (The second report) -Analysis of the data collected in two years-
- Chieko KATO
- Nayoro City University
- Takahiko ISHIKAWA
- Nayoro City University
- Nayoro City University
- Toshiko SASAKI
- Asahikawa University
- 加藤, 千恵子
- 名寄市立大学
- 石川, 貴彦
- 名寄市立大学
- 南山, 祥子
- 名寄市立大学
- 佐々木, 俊子
- 旭川市立大学
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 妊婦が自覚したマイナートラブルと妊娠3期(妊娠初期、中期、後期)の指尖脈波で捉えた身体的精神的状況(第二報)-2年目のデータ蓄積から-
- 妊婦が自覚したマイナートラブルと妊娠3期(妊娠初期,中期,後期)の指尖脈波で捉えた身体的精神的状態(第2報)2年目のデータ蓄積から
- ニンプ ガ ジカク シタ マイナートラブル ト ニンシン 3キ(ニンシン ショキ,チュウキ,コウキ)ノ ユビ セン ミャクハ デ トラエタ シンタイテキ セイシンテキ ジョウタイ(ダイ2ホウ)2ネンメ ノ データ チクセキ カラ
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Abstract: Nonlinear analysis was performed for fingertip pulse of 100 pregnant women to examine the characteristics of the early, mid, and late term pregnancy. The fingertip pulse shows the state of stress and relaxation based on the Largest Lyapnov Exponent (LLE), an index to measure the external adaptability (mental vitality), and the autonomic nerve balance (ANB). The results showed that the participants were distributed to the following four out of six zones: 47.0% in the “ideal” zone, 46.0% in the “semi-ideal,” 2.0% in the “depressed,” with 5.0% in the “too relaxed”, and 4.0% were determined to show high-stress. For the characteristics of the three terms of pregnancy, “severity of fatigue,” “frequency and severity of malaise and stomach discomfort,” “frequency of having cold hands and feet,” and “deterioration in mood” were common in the early term. Visualization of the health conditions of pregnant women by fingertip pulse is one measure in sharing information between supporters such as healthcare professionals and those who need the support such as the pregnant women. The findings suggest the importance of strengthening support from the early term.
- Bulletin of Nayoro City University
Bulletin of Nayoro City University 18 25-32, 2024-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050300147293542400
- NII Book ID
- AA12272535
- 033513931
- 18817440
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search