An Attempt to Make the Noh Chanting Song“Ukai”into Teaching Material

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  • 謡曲『鵜飼』教材化の試み
  • ヨウキョク 『 ウカイ 』 キョウザイカ ノ ココロミ

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In the “Guidelines for the Course of Study of Japanese in High School” published in 2018, the fifth item (represented by the symbol “オ” in the Japanese document numbering scheme) in the “Language and Culture” section requires students “ to deepen their own views, feelings and ideas based on the content and interpretation of works, and to have their own ideas about the language and culture of Japan.”  In addition, the fifth item “オ” in the “Classical Exploration” section requires students “to connect the contents and interpretations of classical works and texts with their own knowledge and to broaden and deepen their ideas,” while the sixth item (represented by the symbol “カ” ) of the same section, requires students “to broaden their ideas about people, society and nature based on their own views, feelings, and ideas expressed in classical works and texts, etc.”  On the other hand, the Japanese language textbook “Classics Exploration,” which has been used in senior high schools, since 2023, includes such works as “Izutsu” or “Sumidagawa”, which are related to “Ise Monogatari” in terms of content in some of the Textbooks, but do not provide teaching materials that enable to students to confront and exchange views on life and death, or views on the things and ideas that are at the base of the Noh chanting sources.  For this reason, this paper takes up Zeami's revised version of “Ukai”, and through comparative reading, attempts to create teaching materials that enable the study of Zeami's views on life and death, his way of looking at things and his way of thinking. To this end, this paper refers to previous studies by Takeshi Umehara, Keiichiro Tashiro, Tetsuo Yamaori, and Hiroshi Tasaka.



    HUMAN SCIENCES 41巻 (1号), 31-47, 2023-09-30


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