評価懸念が過剰な心配に及ぼす影響 : 認知的統制による調整効果の検討

機関リポジトリ オープンアクセス


  • Effect of fear of negative evaluation on excessive worry : An examination of modulation effect on cognitive control.



The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among fear of negative evaluation, excessive worry (state and trait), refraining from catastrophic thinking skill, and logical analysis skill. A survey was administrated to 211 undergraduate students on fear of negative evaluation, excessive worry (state and trait), refraining from catastrophic thinking skill, and logical analysis skill. The analysis showed that refraining from catastrophic thinking may be able to moderate the effects between fear of negative evaluation and state worry. The analysis also showed that the people who are higher fear of negative evaluation, higher refraining from catastrophic thinking skill, and lower logical analysis skill, tend to get worth their trait worry. In conclusion, when we intervene for the people who are higher fear of negative evaluation, we should explain not only the way how to use refraining from catastrophic thinking skill, but also the way how to use logical analysis skill.


  • 人間科学研究

    人間科学研究 27 1-8, 2019


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