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- Other Title
- サンジョクキ ニ オケル ハイベン コンナン ノ ジッタイ
- Actual condition survey on difficulty in defecating during puerperal period
- 産褥期(入院中)の褥婦の排便困難の実態調査
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The aim of this research is an actual condition survey on the difficulty in defecating for pregnant women during the puerperal period. The Japanese version of Constipation Assessment Scale(referred to as CAS)as an indicator and a questionnaire prepared by the researchers were used. The number of the subjects giving their consent for the survey was 138 (97 of them were pregnant for the first time and 41 were parous). The average days until the first defecation after delivery were 2.6 days (SD=1.1). The average CAS points during the puerperal period were between 2.3 (SD=2.4) and 3.2 (SD=2.9). The ratio of developing constipation with 5 or more CAS points reached its highest percentage of 29.4on the third day of the puerperal period. The ratio of laxative use reached its highest percentage of 19.1 on the third day as well. For the first time, this research has clarified actual conditions of the difficulty in defecating during a puerperal period with the use of numerical values. Natural defecation aid at an early stage of the puerperal period is considered necessary.
- The Journal of Nursing Investigation
The Journal of Nursing Investigation 8 (1-2), 31-37, 2010-01-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050302172853110400
- NII Article ID
- 120006606138
- NII Book ID
- AA11937122
- 13483722
- 24342238
- 10740333
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles