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  • ヘンマヒ ギジ タイケンゴ ノ レポート ブンセキ カラ ミタ カンゴ ガクセイ ノ ヘンマヒ カンジャ ニ タイスル イメージ ノ ヘンカ
  • Changes in student nurses’ image of hemiplegic patients, based on an analysis of their reports after a simulated experience of hemiplegia
  • 片麻痺擬似体験後の看護学生のイメージの変化

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In order to show the changes in the image that nursing students have regarding hemiplegic patients before and after simulated experiences of hemiplegia, a content analysis of the reports made by the students was qualitatively conducted, and comparisons were performed. The subjects were65students in Junior year, all participants signed an informed consent. During the implementation of the simulated hemiplegic experiences, the students experienced becoming hemiplegic patients for approximately 20 minutes. Hemiplegia was set for the upper and lower limbs on the side of the dominant hand, and students who took the part of hemiplegic patients experienced various activities associated with daily living. As a result, the number of descriptions of their image of hemiplegic patients after the simulated experiences increased, and the descriptions of such images were also more specific. After the experience, as their response “it is not easy to imagine what it is like for hemiplegic patients” was no longer observed, and thus it was not included as a category. The details of the image of the categories and the subcategories showed a more positive image, such as things that they can do in spite of their paralysis, compared to negative details before the experience. In addition, the students felt the stress that hemiplegic patients have, which resulted in them having a more empathetic image regarding psychological aspects. Furthermore, the simulated experiences provided a good opportunity todevelop an image of the patients, which cannot be obtained from reading books or articles.


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