臨地実習での学習内容に対する学生自己評価の変化 : 成人看護学臨地実習で興味・関心のあるテーマを課題学習に導入した場合と導入しなかった場合の比較から

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  • リンチ ジッシュウ デ ノ ガクシュウ ナイヨウ ニ タイスル ガクセイ ジコ ヒョウカ ノ ヘンカ セイジン カンゴガク リンチ ジッシュウ デ キョウミ カンシン ノ アル テーマ オ カダイ ガクシュウ ニ ドウニュウ シタ バアイ ト ドウニュウ シナカッタ バアイ ノ ヒカク カラ
  • Self‐evaluation study of nursing students’ recognitions of their achievement degrees for educational goals in the clinical practices : effectiveness of setting the assignments of students’ interesting themes
  • 臨地実習での学生自己評価 : 興味ある課題導入の有無による比較

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Objective : The purpose of this study was to assess the nursing students' recognitions of their achievement degrees for their educational goals in the clinical practices and discuss the effect of setting students the assignments of themes in which they had interested in the clinical practices. Methods : We used the self-evaluation questionnaire(62 questions). Self-evaluation was performed three times ; the first was before the clinical practice, at the middle point of the clinical practice and after the clinical practice. And we set the students assignments in which they had interested in the clinical practices at the middle point in2003.And we didn't set them in2001.Then we compared2003with2001,and we tested for equality between two means(p<0.05). Results : 1.The students assessed their clinical practices when they decided their own themes of assignments. 2.In the final evaluation, the students recognized they achieved their educational goals in40items in2003, though there were only20items in2001. Conclusion : These results suggest that it may be effective to set the students assignments of themes in which they had interested and that their arrival degrees may be raised by these programs.


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