究極の哲学 --その核心への問い (新宮一成教授 退職記念号)

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  • Ultimate Philosophies --A Question of their Core
  • 究極の哲学 : その核心への問い
  • キュウキョク ノ テツガク : ソノ カクシン エ ノ トイ



This paper aims at leading reader's concern to the so-called ultimate philosophies' against the stream of trivialization of philosophy, which could be counted as one of the characteristics of our times. The main point of view of this paper is based upon the idea that there are four great sources of philosophy: Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Socrates (in alphabetical order.) Precisely the teachings by these four holy men' construct the 'ultimate philosophies'. This kind of view is not common but could be justified by the evidence of (1) their dominant influence on the people, (2) their contribution to the 'quality' of human life and world, (3) their sphere in the whole world philosophies, (4) their own sublime lives, etc. Although it is not easy to give the entire picture of their teachings because they are too enormous, we can nevertheless approach to their philosophical system through their 'core concepts': 'going over' (Buddha), 'rectifying [正 zhèng]' (Confucius), 'love' (Jesus), 'knowing' (Socrates). We can find these four in their famous phrases, "gate gate pāragate pārasarggate bodhi svāhā", "There must be rectifying of the name" (必也正名乎), "Love each other", "Know thyself". This paper reveals the real meaning of these four 'core concepts' and illuminates the background of their emphasizing: 'ignorance', 'sins', 'sufferings [dukkha]', 'unrighteousness [不正 bùzhèng]'. These four 'ultimate philosophies' share the same unique ultimate goal: 'The good' [τοάγαθόν]. We can say that this is not only the principle of philosophy but also the principle of the being itself. Finally, this paper appeals to reader for the 'appropriation of the philosophical tradition' or the 'internalization of the philosophical words', just for the purpose of achieving the spirit of the ultimate philosophies.


  • 人間存在論

    人間存在論 22 91-102, 2016-07-01


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