Investigation of the relationship between changes in mothers’ perception of infant’s behavior and perception of breast milk as insufficient from early postpartum to one month postpartum



Breastfeeding has been demonstrated to provide various health benefits for the mother and child in both the short-term and long-term. One factor, however, that impedes the continuation of breastfeeding is the perception that breast milk is insufficient. Despite good infant development drinking breast milk alone, the mother may feel anxious regarding the amount of breast milk she is producing and unnecessarily supplement with artificial milk. Cross-sectional studies have revealed many factors involved in this perception of breast milk insufficiency, such as inadequate knowledge of breastfeeding and maternal stress, especially with regard to infant’s behavior, including crying.  This study was performed to clarify the relationship between mothers’ perception of breast milk insufficiency with their perception of infant’s behavior between the early postpartum period and one month postpartum.  Inclusion criteria for subjects were 1) a full-term birth between 37 weeks and 42 weeks of gestation, 2) singleton birth, 3) normal pregnancy for both mother and child, and 4) infant birthweight of at least 2500 g. Data were collected from January 2012 to August 2013. Connectable anonymous self-administered questionnaire surveys were conducted twice— once during hospitalization and once at the one-month checkup. Of the 78 subjects that consented to participate in the study, 12 subjects that did not meet the requirements were excluded, leaving 66 subjects( 84.6%) for the analysis.  The perceptions of breast milk insufficiency in the early postpartum period and at the one-month checkup were 12.4±2.5 points( mean±SD) and 12.1±3.7 points, respectively. Thus, a strong positive correlation was observed between a perception of breast milk insufficiency in the early postpartum period and at one month postpartum (r=.74, p<.01). Mothers’ perception of their infant’s behavior changed from the early postpartum period to one month postpartum


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