Review of Cases of Bone Metastasis from Gastric Cancer


  • 胃癌骨転移症例の診断と治療



1991年よりの胃癌の骨転移症例18例について,その診断と治療について検討した.同時性が8例で,異時性が10例である.骨以外の他臓器への転移が9例(50%)に合併していた.4例が高分化型で,14例が低分化型であった.診断の契機は疼痛が13例(72%)で,他の5例はALP値の上昇であった.確定診断は,全例で骨シンチグラフィによりなされた.骨シンチグラフィの所見では6例がhot spotが3個以内で,12例では多発していた.ALP値の上昇は多発例で顕著であり,また治療により変動し,マーカーとして有用であった.同時性骨転移の3例に手術が行われたが,3ヵ月以内に死亡した.化学療法を11例に行い,放射線照射を9例(重複あり)に行った.3例は緩和療法だけを施行した.放射線照射により疼痛は全何で軽決し,2例では消失した.全体の生存期間の中央値は9ヵ月であった. S-1を中心とした新規抗癌剤を投与した8例中6例が1年以上生存し,中央値は16ヵ月となり,骨転移に対しても有用と考えられた.骨転移を治療の対象と考え,ALP値の上昇,疼痛の発現に際しては,骨転移を疑い,骨シンチグラフィ等により診断し,治療を開始することが重要である.

We investigated the diagnosis and treatment of 18 cases of bone metastasis from gastric cancer since 1991. The key to the diagnosis was pain in 13 cases, and an elevated serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) value in 5 cases. The diagnosis was established by bone scintigraphy in every case. The bone scan findings consisted of hot spots at 1 to 3 sites in 6 cases but were numerous in the 12 other cases. The elevations in ALP values were marked in the cases with numerous metastases. They fluctuated with treatment, and were useful as markers. Surgery was performed in 3 of the cases with synchronous bone metastasis, but the patients died within 3 months. Chemotherapy was performed in 11 cases, and radiotherapy in 9 cases (some cases overlapped). The pain was alleviated by radiotherapy in every case. Best supportive care alone was administered in 3 cases. The median overall survival time was 9 months, but in 6 of the 8 cases treated with new anticancer drugs, principally S-1, it was 16 months. And the new anticancer drugs also appeared to be useful for bone metastasis. When ALP values rise and pain develops, it is important to suspect bone metastasis, establish the diagnosis using bone scintigraphy or other methods and begin therapy quickly.


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