
  • ガンメン シンケイ マヒハリチリョウ ニ オケル ツウデン ノ エイキョウ
  • Evaluation of Local Electrical Stimulation During Acupuncture for Facial Palsy Patients



We had applied local electrical current through acupuncture needle for patients with severe Bell's palsy or Hunt syndrome until 1995 to make sure the acupuncture effect. Later, some animal studies reported that local electrical stimulation delayed nerve regeneration. Consequently, we revised our treatment strategy in 1998. Since then, we have used acupuncture without electrical current. We attempted to determine whether local electrical stimulation would affect nerve regeneration by comparing the clinical data before 1995 and with that after 1998. We compared the clinical data of two methods (1) acupuncture with local electrical stimulation in 58 patients and (2) acupuncture without local electrical stimulation in 55 patients. All patients were otherwise treated in the same way. The results showed that the cure rate of patients treated with acupuncture with local electrical stimulation was 62.0%, while the cure rate for those treated with acupuncture only was 51%. In conclusion, we did not see any harmful effect of local electrical stimulation through acupuncture needles for patients with facial palsy.


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