コロンビア大学にみる教員教育と教育評価 : ITを利用したファカルティ・ディベロップメントと授業評価(<特集>特色ある大学教育支援プログラム「人間関係教育を包含するテュートリアル教育-温かい心を持ち問題解決能力を備えた医師の育成-」の総括)


  • コロンビア ダイガク ニ ミル キョウイン キョウイク ト キョウイク ヒョウカ IT オ リヨウシタ ファカルティ ディベロップメント ト ジュギョウ ヒョウカ
  • Faculty of Development and Course Evaluation Using Information Technology in Medical Education(<Special Issues>Summary of the support program for distinctive university education by the ministry of education culture, sports, science and technology in the Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine)



These days, universities in Japan are increasingly carrying out faculty development and course evaluation. They, however, still have a problem that the course evaluation is not tied to the faculty development. Universities in the U.S. set up organizations to support the use of IT and perform course evaluation using web pages with IT support. This enables them to realize quick feedback of survey results and to tie course evaluation to faculty development effectively. It is necessary to promote faculty development by introducing IT-based course evaluation in medical education in Japan.


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