大衆文化の展示 : 見世物看板写真集を事例として

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  • タイシュウ ブンカ ノ テンジ : ミセモノ カンバン シャシンシュウ オ ジレイ トシテ
  • Taishu bunka no tenji : misemono kanban shashinshu o jirei toshite
  • An exhibition of popular culture : focused on a photograph collection of "Misemono" (spectacle tent group) sideshow

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The purpose of this study is to investigate cultural practice of meaning making, focusing on an interaction with the object recorded in a photograph collection of "misemono" sideshow. Recent year it has been pointed out that museum exhibition may be regarded a form of representation. And many study explain the political meaning with in the exhibition. However approaches to exhibition which stress the hidden meaning of the exhibit seem to lack a consideration of the meaning-making by visitors. ln this paper, pictures recorded in the photograph collection would be identified with the exhibit. And making refer to the intention of editing the picture book. I will examin espectators' practice. Through this, the creative aspects of meaning-making would be argued.



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