アクティブ・リスニング : 旅行会話を通して学ぶカナダ文化の概観


  • Active Listening : A View of Canadian Culture through Travel Conversations



Ideas concerning the role of listening in SLA have evolved considerably in the last thirty years. In the 1960’s most researchers were convinced that listening was a passive skill of minor importance. However, listening is now considered a critical aspect of daily life and thus deserves primary consideration in SLA teaching and research. This article considers the role of listening in developing SL proficiency and offers an example of listening activities based on travel conversations. It is suggested that repeating brief dialogues in a series of related tasks will increase student motivation and thus enhance language acquisition. In addition, students will gain insight into a foreign culture by considering situations faced by travelers in Canada. Travel conversations provide a window into foreign cultures and can lead to a recognition of both pragmatic language use and sociolinguistic features in context. urthermore, students can empathize with characters as they experience and discuss various aspects of travel. These types of conversations provide an insight into the attitudes and manners of people who travel and thus develop students’ awareness of appropriate behavior as potential travelers.


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