放射能汚染と放射性廃棄物をめぐる諸問題について : 宗教学とサステイナビリティ学の狭間から

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  • Radioactive contamination and radioactive waste: From the intersection of religious studies and sustainability studies
  • ホウシャノウ オセン ト ホウシャセイ ハイキブツ オ メグル ショモンダイ ニツイテ : シュウキョウガク ト サステイナビリティガク ノ ハザマ カラ



The Fukushima Nuclear Accident, caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 11, 2011, has posed many important social and philosophical questions. Among them, I was intrigued by the languages and thinking process unconsciously employed by the Nuclear Engineers appearing in the public. They seem to be not so rational. Attempting to explore these irrational aspects of those “pretending to be rational” aspects of the Nuclear Technology, I do some preliminary examinations into several aspects related to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Especially, I look into some unsound irrational discursive elements related to the radioactive contamination and radioactive waste. Referring to a critical study of the American nuclear policy, I examine some related philosophical problems involved in the process of constructing the nuclear technology and policy.


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